Simple design that is easily put together. No frills but with elegance where possible.
Flat roof sloping to the back like the blue library.
Door that works well, easily, simply - no hassle, solid.
2 X 6 mounted to 4X4 with metal right angles instead of bulky wood. Allows
room for a children's library with door below, perhaps on one side of
the adult size library. Perhaps one on each side and something in the
middle... Sort that out after the upper library initial design is set. Then
sort out options for below, then finalize design.
Post is 5'. 2' in ground, 3' hight plus almost 2" for the 2 X 6 as the base
the tiny library is mounted on.
Will paint, finish and mount the library and post.
Below are photos of 3 libraries in the city.

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